Global Utility Company Case Study

How to monitor, report and alert
on data from all devices.

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Case Study Introduction

Customer Profile

A global Utilities and technology leader in water and wastewater treatment. Offering water treatment equipment and solutions, water purification and sustainable recovery.

They serve customers ranging from the worldā€™s largest industries to public-sector research facilities in municipal, industrial, healthcare, pharmaceutical, scientific and more and with an experienced team of qualified engineers in the business comprehensively covering the UK, they service, maintain, repair and refurbish water treatment equipment.


Looking for a solution to monitor, report and alert on data from devices for fault finding, configuration changes, customer experience and hardware operations, to put them into a position to provide an efficient, enviable service to their customers.

Business Challenges

Unable to monitor distributed devices

Proactive monitoring of devices

Gain access to data stored in VisionAir

Improving SLAā€™s

More effective use of engineering resources


What Was Achieved

Real Time Visibility

EnhancedĀ  troubleshooting and real-time visibility into event correlation.

Splunk Reporting and Analytics

Splunkā€™s software reporting analytics and visualisation capabilities allowed enhanced troubleshooting andĀ  real-time visibility into event correlation.

Monitoring of Equipment

Somerfordā€™s certified technical consultants quickly automated the monitoring of power stations equipment to provide reporting, analytics, and visualisation capabilities.


Splunk provides the facility to provide data from the units that were regularly taking readings. Periodically these readings are bundled together and their Splunk Cloud instance monitors, collects and indexes them. Splunk provides service reports to the project teams to be able to identify any areas of anomalous behaviour of equipment. After the simple and effective deployment of Splunk it provides:
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Customer Provisions

Provision of an efficient and premium service to customers.

Operational Efficiency

Cost savings and operational efficiency.

Real Insights

Splunk provides answers - decisions are based on the real insights/data.


Increased uptime and improved service levels.
"This type of visibility didn't exist for us before Splunk. This has dramatically reduce our engineering time and increased uptime and improved Service Levels - we are now providing a proactive service to our customers."
- Digital Service Manager

Why Somerford?

Somerford Associates are an Elite Partner with Splunk and have certified experts who worked diligently to understand this industry leading water company's business needs and requirements to provide a balanced solution that worked for all stakeholders. Somerfordā€™s technicianā€™s knowledge was outstanding and our ongoing relationship is allowing us to continually enhance our instance to gain continual operational benefits.

Additional Resources

Energy and Utilities Services

Splunk Cloud Migration

How is Splunk Cloud Architected?

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