Complaints Policy and Procedure

Somerford always strives to create customer satisfaction in the delivery of our products and services. It is important to us that if we get things wrong, our customers can complain in an open and objective way, in the knowledge that their complaint will be dealt with promptly, and handled in a courteous, fair and discreet manner. Somerford will fully investigate complaints and track them to successful resolution, keeping the complainant informed of progress throughout. Somerford will use the outcomes of complaint investigations to assist us in improving our products and services.

Definition of a complaint

A complaint is defined as ā€˜an expression that any product or service delivered by Somerford to our customers is in some way unsatisfactory or unacceptable, or that Somerford staff or agents have acted in an inappropriate, ineffectual or unprofessional mannerā€™.

Recording complaints

Formal complaints should be made via email to or 01793 698047 FAO of Penny Harrison. All complaints will be recorded in our complaints procedure log at the time the complaint is made, or as soon as possible afterwards. The complaint will be recorded by the staff member who took the details and the person complaining will be informed that the complaint has been logged as soon as practically possible.

When taking a complaint, staff will record the name and contact details of the customer, as well as full details of the complaint including the time and date. Details of all communication with the customer and any actions to resolve the complaint will be recorded in the same place.

Customersā€™ personal details or details of their complaint will not be divulged to third parties unless we have their written consent.

Informing customers of progress

We strive to resolve all complaints within 7 days. Written complaints will be acknowledged promptly.

Where appropriate, customers who have had a complaint resolved will be contacted at a later date to see if they are happy with how their complaint was handled.

Escalation of complaints

If a complaint cannot be resolved by the usual complaint process, it should be referred to a Director and the customer will be informed and given an amended time frame for resolution.

If we cannot resolve the complaint to the customerā€™s satisfaction, we will inform them about where they can take further action (e.g., Office of Consumer and Business Affairs, Equal Opportunity Commission).

Signed on behalf of Somerford Associates Limited, (Company # 04250112)

Signed: Andy Davies – 28th Nov 2024

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