FTS Packs:
Fast Track Splunk (FTS) - O11y
Get value out of your data in 4 weeks
FTSĀ (Fast Track Splunk)Ā allows quick and easy value from Splunk.
Providing alerts, reports and preconfigured dashboards for O11y (Observability).
Somerford’s Splunk certified consultants will help you achieve a solution for the highest priority data sources and provide a Prescriptive Value PathĀ (PVP) solution roadmap
FTS Includes:
Licence Subscription
Enablement & Training
In-house Support Desk
Dedicated Account Manager
6 Monthly Health Check
Somerford’s enablement will allow you to maintain and grow your use cases within your team to gain value from your data.
Fast Track Project
Detailed scope and sizing
Data Source Assessment and Prescripted Value Path roadmap
Environment build
Request of apps (Cloud Ops) installation
Detailed workshops, scope validation, access control and naming conventions
Configure access and forwarders
Data onboarding
Tuning, alerts, reports and dashboards
User enablement
Plans for future adoption
Go live and continued Somerford & Splunk support
O11y (Splunk Observability)
Get all your answers in one place with Splunk Observability Cloud. Achieve full-fidelity monitoring and troubleshooting utilising Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring and Splunk Application Performance Monitoring.
Kick start your real-time, multicloud and container monitoring capabilities with support from Somerford certified consultants.
O11y Cloud - 50 hosts (IM)
O11y Cloud - 25 hosts (APM)
7 training credits
12 points of effort
For further information on data sources, points of effort and pricing structures:
O11y Cloud - 100 hosts (IM)
O11y Cloud - 50 hosts (APM)
7 training credits
16 points of effort
For further information on data sources, points of effort and pricing structures:
O11y Cloud - 200 hosts (IM)
O11y Cloud - 100 hosts (APM)
7 training credits
20 points of effort
For further information on data sources, points of effort and pricing structures:
Choosing Highest Priority Data Sources
Through the planning process, our consultants will work with you to identify the most critical use cases and the appropriate data sources. 'Points of effort' are attributed to the desired outputs and customers can choose these from a pre-built menu. This helps organisations gain significantly quicker time to value.
Register for Package Details
On completion of the below form, you will receive details of the requested FTS. A certified member of the Somerford team will also be in contact to see how we can help.