Case Study
East of England Co-Op Continue their Data Journey by Upgrading Splunk
- Upgrade of Splunk
- Apps upgrade
- Installed apps for new data sources
Case Study Introduction
Customer Summary
East of England Co-op is the largest independent retailer operating in the East of England. They provide Food stores and specialist services, such as Funerals, Travel agents and Petrol filling stations to communities across Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex. As a co-operative business, their focus is the local communities in their region.
East of England Co-Op (EoE) engaged Somerford to upgrade their Splunk Core environment from and upgraded associated Splunk Apps accordingly.
Business Challenges
Splunk had gone out of support and in order to get back into support and leverage the latest apps on Splunkbase EoE wanted to be upgraded to the latest version. This was complicated as EoE had deployed many apps to their Splunk environment so a detailed upgrade path would have to be planned and then executed.
Upgrade of Splunk
Apps Upgrade
New Apps for new Data Sources
It moved them along their infrastructure monitoring journey by moving from legacy apps and enabling them to use Splunk IT Essentials which will allow them to correlate logs and metrics and use the information to observe and understand the performance of their infrastructure.
The Modernisation now allows them to use the latest appās from Splunkbase but also puts them in a good position for their future data journey.