Case Study

Top University used Splunk to predict attacks across all aspects of their security and IT operations

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Case Study Introduction

Customer Summary

This particular university is a research-intensive Russell Group institution with around 22,000 students and 4,500 staff. The universityā€™s annual income is around Ā£415.5M, of which Ā£76.1M is derived from research grants and contracts. The university generates Ā£1.117B in economic output and supports 11,000 jobs.


handshake between workers


The University approached Somerford to help them develop a solution that took them from reacting to threats, to proactively prevent and predict attacks across all aspects of their security and IT operations.

What Was Achieved

AI Threat Detection

Splunk's anomaly detection system helps the university monitor an enormous volume of data by using AI to automatically spot potential threats that a manual process would miss and alert staff to the risk.

Full Disaster Protection

Splunk helps the university to balance this open access with cyber defences that would protect the university's reputation, research income and day-to-day operations while giving students and staff the digital tools they want to learn and teach.

Faster Data Visualisation and Response

Splunkā€™s ability to ingest, correlate, index, search and visualise data at scale gives the university the ability to look at things in a different way and respond quickly.

Business Challenges

Universities have a variety of challenges in the current digital age. Many hold large quantities of intellectual property from research which is a high-value target to both foreign and domestic institutions. Research shows that higher education institutions are increasingly becoming the target of security threats.

Many universities were at the leading edge with digital technology and networking before the turn of the century helping to develop the modern internet as we know it. This has led to many legacy and bespoke solutions still existing within their environments which struggle to conform with modern security standards and requirements.

Reports with graphs and charts


A rollout of Splunk Enterprise with Splunk Enterprise Security over a three months period by Somerford Associates provided a strategic change to security operations


University library halls

Why Somerford?

The quality and capacity of Somerfordā€™s certified and security-cleared consultants, its end-to-end assured delivery model and its value added package of knowledge transfer workshops and webinars, support desk on-site health checks and business value assessments.

Additional Resources

Splunk Professional Services

Splunk Enterprise Security Solutions

Splunk Attack Analyzer 101 On-Demand Webinar

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