Feedback Form

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Thanks for joining us for the recent End-to-End Monitoring: Volume 2 – Cisco Updates Shaping Splunk, AppDynamics, and ThousandEyes ! We’d love to hear your thoughts and would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few moments to complete a quick 'constructive feedback' survey. Your insights will help us improve our future content.

As a token of our thanks for fully attending the webinar and completing the feedback form, we’ll be giving away a limited number of 'BrownieGod' chocolate brownies. The form should only take about 5 minutes of your time.

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Upcoming Splunk Events

End-to-End Monitoring Fireside Chat: Volume 2 – Cisco Updates Shaping Splunk, AppDynamics, and ThousandEyes
Splunk4Rookies – ITSI: Discovery Workshop
Observability Workshop in London | A New Era for Observability: Cisco + Splunk Better Together
Confluent Hybrid Cloud Architecture & Splunk Integration​ Workshop
Splunk4Ninjas – Dashboard Studio: Discovery Workshop
Splunk for Security — Enterprise Security: Discovery Workshop

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Top 10 Ways to Utilise Splunk Observability

How is Splunk Cloud Architected?

Splunk for Security Video Series | Splunk Tutorials

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