John Jarvis Somerford Associates

What is HashiCorp Consul?

Author: John 'JJ' Jarvis
Release Date: 24/01/2024

Consul is a service networking solution. But what do we mean by that?

Well, when weā€™re talking about what HashiCorp calls the Cloud Operating Model, we have to change our approach, on many fronts: if there is still a ticketing system of some sort between your operations and networking teams, as an example, your competitors will leave you in the dust; your timeline for new services will be orders of magnitude longer than theirs, or, the alternative is to throw open the doors and lose any real grasp of your businessā€™s security posture and resiliency.

So we know we need to think beyond walls and tins for a while, and this is where service based networking comes in, identity-based networking, and, through it, unlocking the speed of cloud.

Security isnā€™t based on IP addresses or accounts, not on familiar patterns of work or ā€˜secret backdoorsā€™ (i.e., security through obscurity), but rather on a cryptographically assured identity, verified by your organisationā€™s identity provider of choice (e.g., LDAP, your cloud provider platform, your single sign-on platform, etc.).

This is a baseline for those looking to compete in the time of the Cloud Operating Model.

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HashiCorp Consul

A Modern Service Networking Solution

In case it isnā€™t clear by this point, Consul fulfils many different roles across many organisations. A modern service networking solution requires that we answer four specific questions: Where are my services running? How do I secure the communication between them? How do I automate routine networking tasks? How do I control access to my environments?

1. Where are my services running?
Discover services with Consul: create a central registry that tracks services, updates, and health statuses in real time;
2. How do I secure the communication between them?
Secure networking with Consul: ensure all service-to-service communication is authenticated, authorised, and encrypted.
3. How do I automate routine networking tasks?
Automate networking with Consul-Terraform-Sync: reduce the operator burden by automating key networking tasks.
4. How do I control access to my environments?
Access services with Consul: control access to services at the point of entry and centralise traffic management.

Common Use Cases

ā€¢ Using DNS or an HTTP API to discover registered services - including those running on Kubernetes - and their locations with Consul.
ā€¢ Control access to services - Control access to services running within a Consul service mesh with the API Gateway.
ā€¢ Dynamic load balancing - Automate manual networking tasks and reduce ticket queues as a bonus.
ā€¢ Automated networking tasks - Provision apps faster. Automate complex networking tasks. Separate concerns so operators can easily manage and optimise networking.
ā€¢ mTLS encryption - Authenticate with mTLS and encrypt connections between services.
ā€¢ Multi-platform service mesh - Consul service mesh can deploy in any environment and supports multiple runtimes, including Kubernetes, Nomad, and VMs.
ā€¢ Observability - Visualise service mesh topology with Consulā€™s built-in UI or one of the included APM integrations.
ā€¢ L7 traffic management - Implement fine-grained traffic policies for routing and splitting traffic across services.

Finally, for those who need to get up and running as a priority, Consul is available, on both AWS and Azure, as part of the HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP). Get push-button deployments that are ready to work, with HashiCorp experts keeping the cluster(s) in top form. And, at the other end of the spectrum, for those whose risk profile and / or regulatory framework demand more, there is Consul Enterprise, for self hosting and designed to handle the traffic loads of large scale organisations with enterprise-grade resilience.

More Resources like this one:

HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP) Explained
ā” Accelerating Cloud Adoption with HashiCorp HCP

HashiCorp Adoption Pack ā” An all-in-one rapid adoption pack for Vault & Terraform Cloud/Enterprise

Want to Learn More?

If you're interested in Consul, or any other HashiCorp products, get in touch!
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